My Dirty Little Secret

My Dirty Little Secret

When watching piano lessons on video, I'm not above taking screenshots of the notes and chords played. Then I insert the screenshots sequentially into a word doc and save the file as a pdf. From there I can print it out and reference it like sheet music, but with the images I can see the hand positions and fingering.

But don't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret.

So you don't miss any secrets, subscribe to this RSS feed and add it to your favorite feed reader (mine is NewsBlur).

Meditation Time bookstanding today: 25 Quality of meditation (out of 10): 7

Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 23 minutes Quality of practice (out of 10): 3 ... too tired to focus

Avoiding the Dragon... for now

Avoiding the Dragon... for now

Mythical creature dragon (1806) by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch

Playing chords and keeping a steady rhythm with my left hand while simultaneously soloing with my right is beyond my current capabilities.

I think I'll avoid that dragon for now and start simple with the "call and response" style of soloing. How it works is my left hand plays something (i.e. a sparse Bud Powell shell chord) and my right hand replies with a lick. Here's an instructional video on how to play a call and response solo.

Another method of soloing (without each hand playing separate notes and harmonies at the same time) is adding little licks and fills to a simple song or musical pattern. Check out this video by Piano Pig to see what I mean.

Either method seems like good training before I try and take on the dragon.

Meditation Time meditating today: 25 Quality of meditation (out of 10): 5

Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 25 minutes Quality of practice (out of 10): 6



I'm embarrassed to admit my understanding of chords and chord construction is still wobbly. I think the answers lie in key signatures ("memorize ACOCA!" my friend says emphatically) and the pattern of major and minor scales. They are foundational concepts in music theory and I've only glossed over them.

Note: doesn't allow comments, but if you'd like to communicate with me there is my Twitter account @posertocomposer. You'll also find links and thoughts on my twitter stream that aren't mentioned here.

Meditation Time meditating today: nil Quality of meditation (out of 10): 0

Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 20 minutes Quality of practice (out of 10): 6