Martin Luther goes Djent
Martin Luther goes Djent

The hymn I decided to djent-ify for Project Dhymn is A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. As you'll hear for yourself, the song has a majestic quality, a real oomf to it, and the lyrics are deeply reverent. It's one of my favorites.
The composer of this masterpiece is none other than social-religious reformer Martin Luther. I've enjoyed this hymn a hundred times yet never knew that until today! I printed off several arrangements (all in D Major) and started practicing the easiest version.
In whatever free time I can steal away, I'm listening to a lot of Djent bands too. Here's what I consider a good representation of the genre:
Cross-pollinating these two musical forms will take time. My expectations far exceed my nascent musical abilities, but I expect to learn a lot and create something new in the process.
Meditation Time bookstanding today: 40 Quality of meditation (out of 10): 3
Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 25 minutes Quality of practice (out of 10): 7
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