The Three Arrangements
The Three Arrangements

Continuing my musical experiment called Dhymn, today I practiced a simple arrangement of A Mighty Fortress Is Our God by Martin Luther. Actually, I practiced several versions before finally settling on one.
The first arrangement was too simple, even for my limited playing abilities. It was a scaffold melody and only for the right hand. The fact it had no chords left me cold.
Then I tried an arrangement almost identical to the hymn book. That one is too hot to handle for my untrained left hand.
But I think I found an easy one that's just right for my skill level. I practiced that one for about an hour, making total practice time for today at about an hour and a half.
During practice there have been moments of despair mixed with a sense of accomplishment. I'm making progress on the song, but it sounds clumsy and rough. I'm not cut out to be a piano player, this I know for sure, but there are many kinds of composers I tell myself.
I'm going to remain focused and positive and learn this song. Then I'll see what kind of djenty embellishments I can add.
Meditation Time bookstanding today: 40 Quality of meditation (out of 10): 5
Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 40 minutes (although it's closer to an hour and a half, 40 minutes is the maximum I allowed) Quality of practice (out of 10): 10
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