A Quick Confidence Booster for Novice Piano Players

A Quick Confidence Booster for Novice Piano Players

Someone donated a (piano) keyboard to the thrift store today. I decided to "test it out" amidst the bustle of customers. I tried to play the opening chords for So What but it sounded off. I'm sure it wasn't recognizable to anyone within earshot. It dawned on me I've been learning and practicing music for 18 weeks and still can't play an entire song!

My scattered approach is partly to blame: I've split my limited free time between studying music theory, reading biographies, watching videos and hands-on practice.

Then there's the journalling part. The time I spend writing about a day's practice session is sometimes more than the practice itself!

So today my lack of focused hands-on practice of a single song really showed. To boost my confidence, I sat down and learned the first part of Jump by Van Halen. I've never liked Van Halen or even the song strangely enough, but the keyboard intro is instantly recognizable and dirt simple to play.

The song is also good for practicing comping with the left hand, too.

Here's the sheet music if you want to learn it:

Martin Luther, Disruptive Innovator

Martin Luther, Disruptive Innovator

I uploaded an unfinished draft of "A Mighty Dhymn For Our God" to MuseScore this evening. It isn't much, but it's something.

If you're confused, A Mighty Dhymn For Our God is what I cheekily named my first arrangement of Martin Luther's most popular composition A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.

Martin Luther brought disruptive innovation not only to religion, but to music. It's an idea I hope to advance in future posts, time permitting.

However, time does not permit me to do anything more tonight.

Meditation Time meditating today: 25 minutes Quality of meditation (out of 10): 4

Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 30 Quality of practice (out of 10): 5

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What It Takes To Make Art

What It Takes To Make Art

The iconic tortured expression of Frédéric Chopin

I need a long stretch of time to mess around on the keyboard, to experiment. Arrangement and composition require that, along with blood, sweat and tears. I haven't made a significant investment in either time or bodily fluids. Instead it's been 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there. No wonder I've gotten nowhere.

For Polish Composer Frédéric Chopin, writing music was anguish-inducing, as described in the book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey:

His creation was spontaneous and miraculous. He found it without seeking it, without foreseeing it. It came on his piano suddenly, complete, sublime, or it sang in his head during a walk, and he was impatient to play it to himself. But then began the most heart-rending labour I ever saw. It was a series of efforts, of irresolutions, and of frettings to seize again certain details of the theme he had heard; what he had conceived as a whole he analysed too much when wishing to write it, and his regret at not finding it again, in his opinion, clearly defined, threw him into a kind of despair. He shut himself up in his room for whole days, weeping, walking, breaking his pens, repeating and altering a bar a hundred times, writing and effacing it as many times, and recommencing the next day with a minute and desperate perseverance. He spent six weeks over a single page to write it at last as he had noted it down at the very first.

I'm not comparing myself to Chopin in any way. He was a maniacally hard worker and musical genius. I have no innate abilities in music and my work ethic is inconsistent. I could go on with how basic my skills are in playing the keyboard and reading music, but I must stay positive and look forward. To me, Chopin is an exemplar of what it takes to make art.

I start my new job next Thursday. It's night shift at a local homeless shelter. A dream job for me (no pun intended). A calling in life. Because of the weird work schedule, it should free up longer stretches of free time for me to experiment. Then I can give project Dhymn an honest chance.

Meditation Time meditating today: 0 ... "Sleep is the best meditation" says the Dalai Lama. I needed it and slept in. Quality of meditation (out of 10): 0

Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 15 minutes Quality of practice (out of 10): 5

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