Still on Left-Hand Comping
The 2-5-1 chords I laboured over like algebra yesterday don't harmonize nicely. That's the acid test. Do the chords actually sound good? Perhaps I should experiment by inverting them into rootless chord voicings. It's a practice exercise for another day.
Another alternative for left-hand comping are shells (or shell voicings). They are simple two note chords comprised of the root and the 3rd or 7th of the chord. My first exposure to them were in Learn to Play Piano in Six Weeks or Less and was reminded of them in Peter Martin's emailer this morning (recommended!). Thing is I don't particularly like shell voicings. They sound too minimalist. They are good for right hands that have a lot of interesting things to say, but mine don't yet. I'd rather comp with lush Bill Evans-esque chords.
As an aside, I saw the Miles Davis documentary film last night. I enjoyed it, but there were no new insights for me... except one regarding the award-winning, fast selling experimental Bitches Brew. Apparently, Miles was surprised at the wild success of the album, and when he received his first royalty check from its sales he said it felt dishonest to take the money. I'm under the impression Miles didn't think much of Bitches Brew.
I don't think much of the album either, but at least it escapes the sameness of most Jazz out there.
Meditation Time bookstanding today: 0 minutes... I'll be back on track tomorrow. Quality of meditation (out of 10): 0
Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 3 minutes Quality of practice (out of 10): 5 (rounded up)