To Feel or Not to Feel
A quote from How to Listen to Music by Henry Edward Krehbiel:
Great musicians...have developed, farther than the rest of mankind have been able to develop it, a language of tones, which, had it been so willed, might have been developed so as to fill the place now occupied by articulate speech. Herbert Spencer, though speaking purely as a scientific investigator, not at all as an artist, defined music as "a language of feelings which may ultimately enable men vividly and completely to impress on each other the emotions they experience from moment to moment."
Put in another way, skillful musicians use tones (or a "particular combination of material and spiritual elements" as Krehbiel puts it elsewhere) to convey feelings and make you feel them too. Likewise, I'm trying to combine feelings of power and surrender, material and the spiritual into a kind of song called a dhymn.
Inversely, some musicians don't want you to feel anything at all, as in the music you'll hear in product video marketing, commercials and corporate propaganda campaigns. The following video shows how you might arrange a song so that it is vague and emotionally ambiguous.
It's another must-see masterpiece by Tantacrul.
Meditation Time meditating today: 0 Quality of meditation (out of 10): 0
Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 10 minutes Quality of practice (out of 10): 2