The First Step to "Djenting" is...
I'm a bit surprised, WikiHow has a How to Djent page. I like wikiHow because their tutorials are generally high quality. For example, their How to Play the Piano page is written by professional concert pianist Michael Noble and has pearls of wisdom like this:
All of your playing power comes from your core, so you want to make sure you're sitting with your back straight and your shoulders down and relaxed.
A timely tip for me as I need the energy to arrange and play my first Dhymn after a long day of work!
Also wikiHow's instructions for how to play my game Rejection Therapy* is superb, and better than I ever explained it.
Back to How to Djent: the first step is, logically enough, listen to lots of Djent, so that's what I've been doing today in my free moments. A djenty gem you should check out is Siren Sound by Intervals:
- Note: Several years ago I sold Rejection Therapy. It's in good hands, but I'm not involved with it in any way.
Meditation Time bookstanding today: 30 Quality of meditation (out of 10): 5
Practice Minutes on the keyboard today (out of 40): 25 minutes Quality of practice (out of 10): 6